Judge Questions Mental Health of Man Accused of Bomb Threat (KCRG-TV9 Cedar Rapids)
<BR>- DAVENPORT (AP) - a federal judge has raised the issues approximately the mental health of an accused man of 28 years to threaten to make to burst the unit of the police of Bettendorf.<BR> <BR>
Judge questions mental health of man accused of bomb threat (WHO-TV 13 Des Moines)
<BR>- the pressed one connected - 11 August 2007 7:54 PM ET DAVENPORT, Iowa (AP) - a federal judge yesterday has raised the issues approximately the mental health of an accused man of 28 years to threaten to the outbreak… <BR> <BR>
Judge questions mental health of man accused of bomb threat (WOI-TV Des Moines)
<BR>- DAVENPORT, Iowa (AP) - a federal judge yesterday has raised the issues approximately the mental health of an accused man of 28 years to threaten to make to burst the unit of the police of Bettendorf.<BR> <BR>
Del. Man Drowns after Wandering from Group Home (WPVI-TV Philadelphia)
<BR>- the relatives of a man who has rambled via from a group of the center of health of the filled with smoke bacon of the domestic regolator say that he has drowned himself in Navy of the city of the Delaware.<BR> <BR>
Man pleads for mental health bail (Adelaide Now)
<BR>- an accused man de ADELAIDE to threaten to talk nonsense to a police official has still asked bar, as an example cannot obtain the mental treatment of health while in prigione.<BR> <BR>
<BR>- From the reporter of the County Press - the 10 friday August 2007 the family of a man who has hung wishes the greater aid for people with mental editions of salute.<BR> <BR>
Man dies after his vehicle hits a culvert near Del Valle; Rescuers look for man who may have drowned in lake (Austin American-Statesman)
<BR>- a man of Of Goes them of 31 year has been killed after that its vehicle of usefullness sport-program hit a sotteraneo channel close to Of Goes them on the night of venerdì.<BR> <BR>
Hard life and isolation for world's tallest man (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
<BR>- Being calling the higher man of the world he has meant least for Leonid Stadnyk, abrading with one life with its mother in a village much small in Ucraina centrale.<BR> <BR>
Released man claims U.S. troops beat him (Denver Post)
<BR>- a man tunisino has gotten rid the military prison of the United States to the bay de Guantanamo, Cuba, as an example that it has been struck from the soldiers of the United States while in the guard in the Afghanistan, its lawyer has said sabato.<BR> <BR>
Playing just for the health of it (Chicago Sun-Times)
<BR>- HOUSTON -- The game of extension soccer is not never going to be a threat to cardiac health, sure not for one square like the bears of which duct -- and perhaps only -- the objective is to obtain to the healthy normal season. It is an only position, is for one square of the bears that, effectively, all the square of NFL.<BR> <BR>
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