Hospital starts health club (Daily Journal)
<BR>- FARMINGTON - The regional medical center of mineral zone is beginning a randello that it offers to the relati to you members the benefits correlates to you with the salute.<BR> <BR>
Thieves running off with purses outside St. Pete health club (WTSP - Tampa Bay's 10 News)
<BR>- the responsible to the randello of health of suitability of the family of Lifestyle of the Tyrone says that this is not before the time is happened. They are customers of warning in order not to leave the valuables in automobili.<BR> <BR>
Health Calendar (
<BR>- the center of spirit of the Community of monday of the Ozarks will hold a drive of spirit from 11 a.m to 3 P.m to the western gas of the Arkansas, the 1001 st of Sain, Fayetteville. The eleggibili donors must at least weigh 110 pounds and being in the good general health. (Times of the north-west of the Arkansas) <BR> <BR>
Bentonville Teen Blossoms At Boys & Girls Club (The Morning News)
<BR>- BENTONVILLE -- The children to the boys & to the randello of the girls of the county of the Benton gravitate to Miranda Harlin like the bees to a flower. They slide fast in order to hold its hand, the damage the hugs and exchange the high ones fives. A small girl bundles up around the adolescent like if she has not never left for andare.<BR> <BR>
A garden tour and dinner benefit for Yachats Community Health Clinic - An Annual Gift of Love (Newport News-Times)
<BR>- In spite of the rain, the wind and the soaked earth, more than 100 people the 20 have assisted to the quarter fundraiser anniversary of turn of the garden of clinical of health of the Community of Yachats the friday July. Atmospheric conditions Abysmal capacities on a change of the last minute of the programs from the external position originate them of the lunch to randello of the lion the Corridor, that it has served from delay and port for the festeggiamenti of the sera.<BR> <BR>
Health schedule (Muskogee Phoenix)
<BR>- the unit of health of City-County di Muskogee, 530 st of S. trentaquattresimo, little offers to the services or no cost to the public. An asterisk (*) indicates that an appointment is necessary. To demand the clinical one to 683-0321 in order to make an appointment or the questions approximately the cliniche.<BR> <BR>
Organizations invited to participate in county health fair (The Garden Island)
<BR>- the organizations of health of the `and LI¯HU are invited to correctly participate to the first health anniversary of the contea.<BR> <BR>
Health officials try to alleviate food vendors' confusion (St. Charles Journal)
<BR>- the unit of the county of st the Charles di Kalen Ponche of health of the Community and the civil employees of the atmosphere are trying to reorder the confusion over requirement of code of health of the suppliers of festival.<BR> <BR>
Health Notes (McKinney Courier-Gazette)
<BR>- the social committee of the randello of country of Eldorado will have one fair of health from 10 a.m to 3 the P.m Sunday to the randello, drive of the randello of country 2604. The event is opened to the members of randello and the great public. The fair will have the formation and activity for the family intera.<BR> <BR>
No-swim warnings at three Camden beaches due to bacteria levels (Camden Herald)
<BR>- the warnings of health of †de CAMDEN „against swimming are beginning from send thursday to you, the 2 needle., to the beach of Laite on the way of sight of the bay, point of Shirttail on route 105 and to the randello of the Yacht de Camden.<BR> <BR> news headlines | Filipino Community | Philippines Business Directory | Adsense revenue sharing |
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