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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

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bad breath

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A Natural Remedy for Gingivitis, Toothaches, and Mouth Sores

By: Rudy Silva
Viewed: 451 Times
Approximate Word Count: 509

Everyone has a variety of bacteria in their mouth. Some have more than others. This bacterium helps you by beginning the digestive process.

Excess bacteria in your mouth have now been found to cause more than tooth decay, gingivitis or gum disease. So, you need to know, even though you might not have gingivitis, how to control these plaque-building bacteria in your mouth.

Bacteria that create gingivitis live in your plaque and cause your gums to inflame, bleed, and separate from your teeth. You can also have bad breath when you have gingivitis. In more severe cases, your gums become sore, teeth hurt, gums recede, and teeth loosen.

To stop the inflammation and gum separation use this natural remedy to kill some of these bacteria and strengthen your gums in your mouth.

Here are the herbs and the formula you will need to make a remedy for a mild case of gingivitis:

2 parts white oak bark herb -- powder

1 part myrrh gum herb -- power or granules

3/4 part Peppermint leaves converted to powder

½ part anise herb -- power or seeds

1/8 part clove - powder

If herbs and leaves are not in powder form, grind them in a coffee grinder. Use this formula to make as much powder as you want.

Place the mixture into a small container. I usually use a small-unused vitamin bottle.

I usually mix a small amount and use a tablespoon as my measuring tool. For example, 2 tablespoons of white oak, 1 tablespoon of myrrh gum, ¾ tablespoon of peppermint leaves, and so on. The measurements do not have to be so precise.

How to use it:

To control bacteria in your mouth, use this power once a week. If you have gingivitis, you can use this 3 times a day. Place some powder on your toothbrush and brush your teeth and gums. After brushing spit out, a few time, the saliva and residue powder. Don't rinse out your mouth since you want to keep the active herb powders in your month. You can swallow any that remains in your mouth with no problem.

This powder combination is bitter, but quite powerful and will get the job done. You can add more peppermint powder to make it less bitter, if you like.

For severe cases of gingivitis and toothaches, you can also moist some powder with distilled water and then place the paste all along the your teeth and gums -- front and back. Leave the paste in your mouth as long as you can. Don't worry about the herbs getting in between your teeth. This remedy works.

My wife was schedule for a root canal last year and a few weeks before her tooth started paining and couldn't sleep. So I made this remedy. She just placed the powers around the painful area. It wasn't long before the pain stopped and she was able to go to sleep.

There have been other clients that have used this remedy for a month and successfully avoided having the dentist apply gingivitis treatment. In cases of severe gingivitis, go see your dentist and at the same time use this remedy.

This article was posted at on 2003-12-29. Webmasters and publishers are free to reprint this article as long as the resource box and all the links remain intact.

Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called "Natural Remedies That Work." You can subscribe to his newsletter and read some of the back issues, which give you information of how to have better health. Read his latest newsletter at:

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Chewing gum is a popular way to fight bad breath. However, most gum on the market today is produced by candy companies whose main goal is to maximize profits, selling as much gum as they can for as small a production expense as possible. They may claim to provide bad breath cures with their products, but what they really do is simply mask the odor.
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Do you experience bad breath? Are you wondering about the causes of Bad Breath and what you can do to stop bad breath? The cause of bad breath halitosis is often due to improper digestion & poor elimination of foods, toxaemia or defective elimination via the liver, kidneys, colon & skin.
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Chronic bad breath reflects increasing oral bacteria levels and reduced body fluid levels.
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According to the most current research, over 90 percent of all cases of chronic bad breath originate in the mouth, NOT in the stomach, sinuses, or lungs. Virtually all cases of bad breath are caused by Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs). According to the most current research, over 90 percent of all cases of chronic bad breath originate in the mouth, NOT in the stomach, sinuses, or lungs. Virtually all cases of bad breath are caused by Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs).
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10 things you should not adopt to cure bad breath
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Halitosis or bad breath is a common condition that affects up to 25% of the population in varying degrees. It can negatively impact the individual's personal and business relationships. Halitosis is usually caused by poor mouth hygiene, mouth infection, oral disorder, food and drinks, constipation and medication. It can be cured through right diagnosis and treatments.
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Bad breath cures, Bad Breath Information
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Cure your bad breath with our products and treatments for Halitosis. Never suffer from bad breath again
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Bad breath cures Have you ever stepped up to someone for the first time, and watched them cringe with pain as you spoke? Okay, the problem may have been your bad breat
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Bad Breath Cures - Learn more about this topic here
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A comprehensive resource for the online bad breath cures searcher with bad breath cures advice, information, tips and resources.
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Dr. Katz and is Free Bad Breath Bible will help you get Relief from Bad Breath.
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Bay Area Breath Clinic of Tampa Bay eliminates Halitosis, common bad breath and malodor. Our breath solution for halitosis cures bad breath in as little as three office visits.
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BLIS is an acronym for Bacteriocin Like Inhibitory Substances. Certain strains of micro-organisms produce BLIS substances, which act as natural antibiotics and control the growth of undesirable bacterial infections. The Company was formed in June 2000 to pursue the commercialisation of BLIS bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances. These are antibacterial peptides or proteins that are able to kill or control the growth of other closely related bacteria.
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Breath, Halitosis, Bad Breath, Fresh Breath, Bad Breath Cures, Bad Breath Resources, Bad Breath Directory
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How bad is your breath? 14 Simple tips for reducing mouth odor.
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Not all parents and professionals agree on what type of ADHD treatment is thebest, or if it should be used at all. Some parents feel that it is unnatural totreat a child with prescription medication that could have significant sideeffects, or otherwise harm the child. Side effects are dose dependent and can belessened by reducing the dosage or switching to a different medication. Manytimes behavior modification therapy is not effective on its own, which is whyADHD treatment usually requires use of a stimulant drug. Stimulants have aparadoxical effect on children; these drugs do not increase hyperactivity, whichis a normal response in adults, but help the child focus, control behaviors, andimprove self-esteem. Stimulants used in ADHD treatment help children to completetasks, learn more efficiently, and interact more positively with their peers.
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http: //www. earthclinic. com/ - Cure Bad Breath
Cure Bad Breath with Natural Remedies
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Wimborne dentist Dr. Chris Lang at the Wimborne Dental Health Practice provides cosmetic dentistry including bleaching tooth whitening dentistry, dental implants, dental veneers, crowns and white fillings. Directions and appointments at the Wimborne Dental Practice in Dorset BH21 1DU 01202 887700
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Dr. Vera Deutsch @ 555 Pier Ave in Hermosa Beach
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http: //www. deltadentalca. org/ - Fighting bad breath
For 70 years, the American Dental Association has awarded its Seal of Acceptance to dental products that are safe and effective.
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So what causes this timeless turnoff, and what can be done about it?
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http: //www. alternativehealth. com. au/ - Fresh Breath - treating bad breath
Breezecare Australia - treating bad breath. Since the introduction of the KForce™ range to Australia, the number of testimonials received from thankful patients has been dramatic.
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Freshbreath Centre
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http: //www. badbreathsolution. com/ - Gum Disease and Bad Breath Cures
Cures for gum diseases and bad breath.
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http: //health-wellness-product. com/ - Health wellness product - Bad Breath Cures
Health wellness product - Bad Breath Cures
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http: //www. breezecare. co. uk/ - Probiotic BLIS K12 and Bad Breath Treatment
The Australian Breath Clinic conducts trials into bad breath halitosis and sour taste
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http: //www. halimeter. com/ - Products Used To Treat Bad Breath
Links to companies selling products used to treat bad breath.
http: //www. halimeter. com/
http: //www. stankbreath. com/ - StankBreath. com - Bad Breath Cure
StankBreath. com offers helpful information for peopl ewho suffer from bad breath, halitosis, and tonsil stones.
http: //www. stankbreath. com/
http: //www. goodbreath4you. com/ - The Good Breath Project
An overview of some of the causes and treatments of halitosis, bad breath, including gingivitis, periodontitis, stomach problems.
http: //www. goodbreath4you. com/
http: //www. therichtercenter. com/ - The Richter Center for the Treatment of Breath Disorders
The Richter Center for bad breath and halitosis cures.
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http: //www. blisfreshbreath. com/ - Treat Bad Breath/Chronic Halitosis with Blis K12- New Fresh Breath Kits
Blis Fresh Breath products cure Bad Breath (Halitosis) using a scientifically proven formula that restores the natural healthy bacterial balance in your mouth and throat. For long lasting fresh breath order your Blis K 12 Fresh Breath kit today.
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http: //www. breezecare. com. au/ - Australian Breath Clinic Bad Breath Trial
The Australian Breath Clinic conducts trials into bad breath halitosis and sour taste
http: //www. breezecare. com. au/
http: //www. badbreathinc. com/ - Bad Breath - Bad Breath
Bad Breath - Bad Breath
http: //www. badbreathinc. com/
http: //www. parhamdonyai. com/ - Bad breath - Halitosis - Parham DonyaiQuick Health
Bad breath - Halitosis - Parham DonyaiQuick Health
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http: //www. prweb. com/ - Bad Breath (Halitosis)- Secret Cures That Work Fast In As Little As 1-2 Days
PR: The Shocking and Amazing Simple Techniques to Curing Bad Breath, Halitosis and Gingivitis In Only 1 to 7 Days That Your Dentist Doesn't Want You To Know About. A Simple Method That Stops Bad Breath For Good In Less Than 5 Minutes a Day - Using Common Household Ingredients! (PRWEB) June 20, 2005 - I
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http: //www. colgate. com/ - Bad Breath Article - Bad Breath & Halitosis - Colgate® Oral Care Information
Bad Breath Article - Bad Breath & Halitosis - Colgate® Oral Care Information
http: //www. colgate. com/
http: //www. tau. ac. il/ - Bad Breath Research - BDA Fact File
The British Dental Association fact file on Bad Breath (Halitosis
http: //www. tau. ac. il/
http: //www. femalefirst. co. uk/ - Bad Breath
Bad Breath
http: //www. femalefirst. co. uk/
http: //www. breathcure. com/ - Bad Breath, Halitosis
Bad Breath treatment. Cure halitosis quickly and permanently. Simple and inexpensive remedies.
http: //www. breathcure. com/
http: //www. answeruniverse. com/ - Causes of Bad Breath in Dogs, Revealed
Bad breath occurs not only to humans, but also in pets. Your good dog may be affected by it, and . . .
http: //www. answeruniverse. com/
http: //ehealthforum. com/ - Dental Health Forum - Bad Breath Even If I Brush Properly. .
Dental Health Forum - Bad Breath Even If I Brush Properly. . , Dental Health information, health forums, medical questions, medical information, medical symptoms, medical dictionary
http: //ehealthforum. com/
http: //www. downloadables. info/ - How to Fix Bad Breath Immediately » Downloadables. info Blog
Fix your breath immediately. Tips for eliminating bad breath fast.
http: //www. downloadables. info/
http: //www. perio. org/ - Top 10 Worst Home Remedies for Bad Breath
American Academy of Periodontology members were surveyed on the most ineffective home remedies their patients have used to tackle bad breath and the best solutions for this problem. (American Academy of Periodontology press release).
http: //www. perio. org/
http: //www. atlantadentist. com/ - Bad Breath - Atlanta Dental Group PC
Bad breath can greatly effect a patient's life.
http: //www. atlantadentist. com/
http: //www. parknicollet. com/ - Bad Breath 2
Bad Breath 2
http: //www. parknicollet. com/
http: //www. mydentistandassociates. com/ - Bad Breath
Bad Breath
http: //www. mydentistandassociates. com/
http: //www. sinuswars. com/ - Bad Breath(Halitosis
Bad Breath(Halitosis
http: //www. sinuswars. com/
http: //www. bad-breath. go-tc. com/ - Bad Breath: Symptoms, Causes and Cures
Bad Breath Bible: Free ebook explains in simple terms the causes and cures of bad breath
http: //www. bad-breath. go-tc. com/
http: //www. winchmorehilldental. co. uk/ - Dentist north london bad breath fresh breath winchmore hill hygienist
North London cosmetic dentist and hygienist in Winchmore Hill providing fresh breath treatment for patients with bad breath.
http: //www. winchmorehilldental. co. uk/
http: //www. geocities. com/ - Dentistry Pages - Dr. Rajiv Khosla - Bad Breath(Halitosis
The Website of an Indian Dentist with Patient Education information about dental-procedures and various specialities in Dentistry.
http: //www. geocities. com/
http: //www. reismandentalgroup. com/ - Halitosis (Bad Breath
Halitosis (Bad Breath
http: //www. reismandentalgroup. com/
http: //www. breath-care. com/ - ABS - Causes & Treatment
ABS - Causes & Treatment
http: //www. breath-care. com/
http: //www. dental--health. com/ - Ask The Dentist Bad Breath Halitosis Causes Diagnosis Treatment Cures Dental Health Library
Bad Breath and Halitosis Learn the causes diagnosis possible treatments what works and what doesn't work from doctors who treat breath problems. Determine if gum disease or infection is involved FAQ's presented by Dental Health Directory finding answers to dental questions, dentist practices, dentistry links and Ask The Dentist section for finding solutions to how do I and how do you types of dental questions.
http: //www. dental--health. com/
http: //www. badbreathcuresonline. com/ - Bad Breath Cures Online - Stop Halitosis and Beat Gum Disease, Gingivitis, Periodontal Disease
Bad Breath Cures Online - Discover how you can eliminate bad breath (halitosis) and cure gum disease, gingivitis and periodontal disease in just minutes a day, with an easy, straight-to-the-point formula, using simple and dirt-cheap household ingredients. Get rid of bad breath and gum disease forever
http: //www. badbreathcuresonline. com/
http: //www. supplementnews. org/ - Bad Breath Halitosis
Halitosis, Cause of bad breath and halitosis treatment
http: //www. supplementnews. org/
http: //goliath. ecnext. com/ - Chewing gum has bacteria that fight bad breath. Industry & Business Article - Research, News, Information, Contacts, Divisions, Subsidiaries, Business Associations
Goliath Industry and Business News includes thousands of articles from journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazines, covering a wide range of industries and business topics.
http: //goliath. ecnext. com/
http: //www. martinsmiles. com/ - Links to Dental & Healthcare Sites - Bad Breath Cures
Links to Dental & Healthcare Sites - bad breath cures
http: //www. martinsmiles. com/
http: //www. onlinepharmacy. co. nz/ - Onlinepharmacy. co. nz
Onlinepharmacy. co. nz
http: //www. onlinepharmacy. co. nz/
http: //ezinearticles. com/ - Bad Breath - Cures that Can Fix a Smelly Mouth
Bad Breath - Cures that Can Fix a Smelly Mouth
http: //ezinearticles. com/
http: //www. ahealthyme. com/ - Bad Breath (Halitosis) - AHealthyMe. com
AHealthyme. com provides information on health and wellness, along with daily health news, full-text journal and magazine articles, personalized newsletters and e-mail reminders, shopping, and more.
http: //www. ahealthyme. com/
http: //www. mindbodyandpaw. com/ - Pet Bad Breath, Causes and Remedies
Let's talk about dog's bad breath. The proper name for dog bad breath is Halitosis and it's very embarrasing, some dogs have a bigger bad breath problem than others, but it can be solved.
http: //www. mindbodyandpaw. com/
http: //www. healthguidance. org/ - Bad Breath Probiotics
Bad Breath Probiotics
http: //www. healthguidance. org/
http: //www. mayoclinic. com/ - Bad breath: Causes - MayoClinic. com
Bad breath - Comprehensive overview covers causes, treatment and prevention of halitosis.
http: //www. mayoclinic. com/
http: //www. steadyhealth. com/ - Halatosis - bad breath >> Medical Questions, Weight Loss, Pregnancy, Drugs, Health Insurance
HI. I often have a bad taste in my mouth and bad mouth breath. But, I assure you that it doesn't come from poor mouth hygiene - I brush my teeth at least three times a day. Actually, I brush them AT LEAST 3 times a day. Is there anything I can do about this? Could this be a symptom of some sort of n
http: //www. steadyhealth. com/
http: //www. morphemeremedies. com/ - Home Remedies for Bad breath
Home Remedies for Bad breath
http: //www. morphemeremedies. com/
http: //www. breezecare. com/ - All about BreezeCare, Dr Speiser and The Australian Breath Clinic
All about BreezeCare, Dr Speiser and The Australian Breath Clinic
http: //www. breezecare. com/
http: //www. consumer-awareness-journal. com/ - Bad Breath Cures
Have you ever stepped up to someone for the first time, and watched them cringe with pain as you spoke? Okay, the problem may have been your bad breath.
http: //www. consumer-awareness-journal. com/
http: //www. pocketlinks. com/ - Bad Breath Cures
Bad Breath Cures
http: //www. pocketlinks. com/
http: //www. beautyshop. co. nz/ - BLIS Fresh Breath Kit : Beauty Products : Oral Care : The Beauty Shop
BLIS Fresh Breath Kit is a New Zealand made oral hygiene product especially developed for severe and chronic bad breath sufferers.
http: //www. beautyshop. co. nz/
http: //www. shopnewzealand. co. nz/ - BLIS Throat Guard : Gifts New Zealand - NZ Shop : Health Products - Personal Hygiene : Shop New Zealand
BLIS Throat Guard is a natural New Zealand made health product which includes lozenges and mouthwash to help stop bad breath.
http: //www. shopnewzealand. co. nz/
http: //www. health24. com/ - Health 24 - Woman, Content
Health 24 - Woman, Content
http: //www. health24. com/
http: //curezone. com/ - Kforce & Aktiv-K12 at Body Odor & Bad Breath Forum
Kforce & Aktiv-K12 at Body Odor & Bad Breath Forum
http: //curezone. com/
http: //mizar5. com/ - OraMD
Gum Disease: Specializing in gingivitis, gum disease, bad breath solution, treatment for gum disease, bad and breath, disease gum, halitosis, periodontal diseases, periodontal disease, and gum mouth disease
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http: //www. halito. com. br/ - Oris Clinic - Diagnosis and Treatment of mouth odors
Oris Clinic - Diagnosis and Treatment of mouth odors
http: //www. halito. com. br/
http: //www. healthboards. com/ - Bad Breath - HealthBoards. com Message Boards
Bad Breath Research Help Board
http: //www. healthboards. com/
http: //www. mountain-view-dental-group. com/ - Bad Breath (Halitosis
Everyone experiences bad breath - or halitosis - from time to time, but for some it can be an ongoing problem. Visit us for some great information including prevention and cures. . .
http: //www. mountain-view-dental-group. com/
http: //www. spirita. net/ - Bad Breath
Bad Breath
http: //www. spirita. net/
http: //www. vet. cornell. edu/ - Bad Breath: Sign of Illness? From the pages of Cat Watch
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University is a leader in academic and clinical veterinary medicine. With world-class research facilities and recognized strengths in the physical and life sciences, the college of veterinary medicine has contributed to the Cornell fabric since the founding of the university.
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http: //herbal-america-. ipic2004. org/ - Cures for bad breath
Cures for bad breath susun weed endometriosis cures herbs and supplements tissue salts thymuskin
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http: //www. natali. co. uk/ - Halitosis or Bad Breath
Causes, symptoms & natural food and diet cures
http: //www. natali. co. uk/
http: //www. easyhomeremedy. com/ - Home Remedies - Home remedy for bad breath
Home Remedies - Home remedy for bad breath
http: //www. easyhomeremedy. com/
http: //www. upwardquest. com/ - Study on bad breath and probiotic bacteria
Conclusions of the study are that probiotic bacterial strains originally sourced from the indigenous oral microbiotas of healthy humans may have potential application as adjuncts for the prevention and treatment of halitosis.
http: //www. upwardquest. com/
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Buy pharmacy products online at very low prices with drugdispensary. com. Free Shipping world wide on all orders guaranteed. We are a friendly community pharmacy located in Christchurch, New Zealand. Our product list inlcudes 5-HTP, Beconase, Claratyne (Claratin),loratidine, Enzogenol, Flixonase (Flonase), Grecian 2000, Habitrol Gum (Nicotinell), Nicorette Gum, Nicorette Microtab, Nicotrol Gum, Nicotine Gum, Nicotine Patches, Heliocare, sun vitamins, Imedeen, Loceryl Nail Lacquer, Nurofen, Nurofen Gel, Oruvail Gel, Silver Check, Telfast (Allegra), Voltaren Emulgel, Zovirax Cream, Zyrtec, cetirizine, Zostrix.
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Fitness and health care products online shops in United States US.
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Regular professional teeth cleaning can help you keep your teeth and prevent bone loss and gum infection.
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CyberChemist (New Zealand) is Your Health Professional on the Internet. Our site contains health information and a wide range of products to suit your health needs here. Viagra, Xenical, Propecia, Condoms
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Bad Breath Europe
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Announcement - Direct Broking Limited
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http: //docharrison. com/ - Bad Breath : : Doc Harrison : : Halitosis, Gum Disease, Hydrogen Sulfide
Bad breath, or halitosis, is often caused by gum disease or hydrogen sulfide. The Halitox Test can help you determine the cause and severity of your bad breath
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http: //www. megamart. co. nz/ - Blis K12 Throat lozenges 1x 12 - Mega Mart Shopping Mall - New Zealand
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Centre for Innovation, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
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http: //healthlink. mcw. edu/ - Overcoming Bad Breath
Bad breath is a cause for embarrasment in some. Here's some of the sources of bad breath.
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Pharmacy Products
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PharmacyWeb. co. nz for the best prices on the Net.
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http: //www. foodnavigator. com/ - Bacteria can beat bad breath, says BLIS
Bacteria can beat bad breath, says BLIS A New Zealand biotech firm is entering its first foreign market, China, with a product containing a proprietary
http: //www. foodnavigator. com/
http: //www. stopsmokingtoday. com/ - Blis K12 Fresh Breath Kit
Blis K12 Fresh Breath Kit
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Official site of New Zealand Exchange Limited - NZX. NZ's only registered securities trading exchange. Runs and regulates markets for trading equity and debt securities: NZSX Stock Market , NZDX Debt Market and NZAX Alternative Market. Headline index NZSX 50. Regulates conduct of NZX Advisors, other market participants and NZX listed issuers.
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http: //www. humordentist. com/ - Bad Breath - Causes & Cures
Dr. L. R. Friedman specializes in Tooth Bonding, Teeth Whitening, Cosmetic and General Dentistry.
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http: //www. healthopedia. com/ - Healthopedia. com - Bad Breath (Halitosis, Fetor Oris
Healthopedia. com - Bad Breath (Halitosis, Fetor Oris
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http: //www. edoses. com/ - Homeopathy Remedy: Halitosis - Bad Breath
Homeopathy Remedy: Halitosis - Bad Breath
http: //www. edoses. com/
http: //www. curemequick. com/ - Quick Cures for Bad Breath
Don't just disguise Bad Breath with breath mints and fresheners, while they do have their place you could just be masking an underlying problem.
http: //www. curemequick. com/
http: //www. therabreath. com. au/ - Therabreath Bad Breath & Halitosis Cures
Therabreath Bad Breath & Halitosis Cures
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ShareTrader - BLT
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http: //www. livescience. com/ - LiveScience. com - Bad Breath: Causes and Cures
The latest research on the demons in your mouth and how to avoid the kiss of death.
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http: //www. thedentalclinics. com/ - The Dental Clinics: Bad Breath [North East Dentistry - Newcastle area
The Dental Clinics practices have established themselves amongst the North East local community and now provides dental services to thousands of people every year in and around Newcastle Upon Tyne. We know as well as anyone that your smile is one of the most notable and memorable features of your face. That is why the whole dental team at the practices work hard to provide our patients with the very best dental healthcare.
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View the professional backgrounds of Chilcote, Barbara through Child, Dot from ZoomInfo, the largest index of business people in the world. About ZoomInfo: Founded in 1999, ZoomInfo is a Web-based service that extracts information about people and companies from millions of published resources on the Web. Using an advanced natural language processing technology, ZoomInfo scans nearly every news article, press release, company Web site, and SEC filing published on the Internet, everyday. The information is then processed into a usable, searchable database of people summaries.
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The Press: Get the latest local, national and world business news from Christchurch's daily newspaper
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http: //www. scoop. co. nz/ - Scoop: BLIS Tech Announces New Distribution Agreement
BLIS Technologies Ltd (NZX: BLT), developer and manufacturer of BLIS K12, an advanced oral probiotic for the prevention of upper respiratory infection and the treatment of chronic bad breath, announced that it has signed a significant distribution and . . .
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http: //www. blog4cure. com/ - Halitosis symptoms, causes and cures (Bad Breath) - Blog4Cure. com
Blog4Cure. com
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http: //www. nzherald. co. nz/ - Blis signs NZ distribution deal - 20 Apr 2007 - NZ Herald: New Zealand Business and Personal Finance News
Biotechnology company Blis Technologies has sealed a more expansive distribution and marketing deal with Auckland pharmacy distributor Pharmabroker Sales Ltd. Blis says the arrangement…
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http: //www. tmcnet. com/ - Blis Signs Nz Distribution Deal
Blis Signs Nz Distribution Deal
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Gum innovation to enter confectionery market? Researchers have developed a new chewing gum formulation that contains bacteria able to tackle consumers' bad breath, offering new
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http: //www. nutraingredients. com/ - Nestle to investigate BLIS probiotic for respiratory health
Nestle to investigate BLIS probiotic for respiratory health Nestle Nutrition has signed an agreement with BLIS Technologies to investigate the use of probiotics to combat
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Essential oils cold pressed for electrically alive nutrition
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Calvin Fred said...

Some of the foods we eat can cause bad breath odor. Garlic, onions, alcohol, hot peppers or aromatic spices may cause bad breath up to 72 hours after ingestion. This type of bad breath cannot be eliminated by any known treatment or product. Find out A lot more Here about Natural remedies for gum disease

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